Flowers & Gifts Delivery to France
Sweet Pink Fruity Flower Basket

Sweet Pink Fruity Flower Basket

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Earliest Delivery : Tomorrow
USD 169.9
15% Off

Let your loved ones blush in the colors this Sweet Fruit Basket brings with it as you gift it to them. This basket contains mangosteen, juicy litchis meeting, the sweet taste and scent of mango ... accompanied by a bottle of sparkling 100 juice the famous Pink Lady apple fruit if (alcohol, colorants and preservatives) Includes :- Mangosteens from Thailand, sweet clementines, Mango s brazil, peaches, plums, passion fruit, kumkats, lecthis Thaillande of rambutans, muscat grapes, mini banana colombia, cherries, apricots, sharon Israel, gala, sweet clementines, plums , Comice, muscatel grapes, kumkats, litchi hairy rambutans, passion fruit of Colombia (strawberries only Paris region), physalis, presented in a wicker basket with fresh foliage and a bottle of sparkling alcohol-free, dye and preservative Pink Lady apples (75cl)

This basket consists of:
•Mangosteens from Thailand, sweet clementines, Mango s brazil, peaches, plums, passion fruit, kumkats, lecthis Thaillande of rambutans, muscat grapes, mini banana colombia, cherries, apricots, sharon Israel, gala, sweet clementines, plums , Comice, muscatel grapes, kumkats, litchi hairy rambutans, passion fruit of Colombia (strawberries only Paris region), physalis,
•Presented in a wicker basket with fresh foliage
•A bottle of sparkling alcohol-free, dye and preservative Pink Lady apples (75cl)

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