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Create lasting impressions with this bouquet of 40 red and pink small bud roses. Designed to represent both passion and affection, the red roses convey deep love, while the pink roses symbolize grace and joy. This carefully curated arrangement brings together the best of both worlds, combining the classic charm of red roses with the sweet elegance of pink. Each rose is handpicked and arranged with precision to ensure a flawless presentation. Perfect for celebrating love, achievements, or simply brightening someone's day, this bouquet speaks volumes even without words. The delicate buds are ideal for adding a splash of color and a touch of sophistication to any setting. Wrapped in an elegant package, this bouquet is ready for any special occasion. Whether it's a birthday, an anniversary, or a just-because gift, this assortment of red and pink roses is bound to delight.
This consists of:
•Bouquet of 40 red & pink Small Bud Roses
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