Flowers & Gifts Delivery to France
Blissful Pink Lily Bouquet

Blissful Pink Lily Bouquet

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Earliest Delivery : Tomorrow
USD 69.9
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Our Blissful Pink Lily Bouquet captures the essence of pure love and affection. Comprising nine delicate pink lily stems, this bouquet arrives right before blooming, ensuring you can enjoy watching each flower unfurl its beauty. Perfect for brightening up any space, these lilies bring a touch of elegance and grace that makes them an ideal gift for loved ones. Their gentle hues create a cocoon of tenderness and tranquility, making every moment spent around them feel special. Whether it's for a special occasion or just because, the enchanting charm of these lilies will bring a smile to anyone's face. Experience the joy of nature’s wonders as you gaze upon their unfolding beauty, hour by hour. Their long-lasting freshness is an added delight, transforming any room into a haven of soft, fragrant blooms.

This consists of:

•Bouquet of 9 stems pink lilies

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